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PGA Sompo Japan’s 21st Anniversary

15 Nov 2012 | Corporate

This year’s celebration of PGA Sompo Japan’s 21st Anniversary was placid, austere, yet meaningful. A mass was solemnized at the office lobby officiated by Father James of Don Bosco. Attended and participated by the staff and senior management officers lead by Mr. Yuichiro Funabashi, President & COO, Mr. Phillip K. Rico, Senior Executive Vice President & CFO, Ms. Imelda Unson, Senior Vice President, Mr. Daisuke Shinkawa, Marketing Vice President, Atty. Celestino Ang, Vice President & Director, Mr. Samuel Coyiuto, Director, Mr. Prudencio Coyiuto, Director, Atty. Guia L. Flaminiano, Corporate Secretary and Mr. Anton Sy. Simple and delightful breakfast followed. (See photos)

Manifestation and expression of gratitude to clients, reinsurers, and friends for their continued unwavering support and trust in the company’s ability to provide world-class insurance services was reflected and conveyed in the pleasant exchange of historical anecdotes during the breakfast party.

The occasion was an unpretentious observance of the fruitful 21 years of PGA Sompo Japan Insurance whose management continue to embrace the ideas in carrying out the joint venture partners’ mission vision amidst the swift changes surrounding our non-life insurance business. Cheers!!!